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Sandpiles & prophecy

Back in 1988, I began to come across both lay and professional works on self-organized criticality (SOC).  This concerned a phenomenon in nature we probably all observed as children, namely how stacking rocks, pebbles, grains of rice or sand, or just about anything goes along smoothly until a “critical point” is reached in which the whole thing collapses (I often did the “stacking game” using small fossils I fished out of huge gravel piles at home construction sites close to the house where my family and I lived in Alexandria, Louisiana in the mid-1960s). A physicist, Dr. Per Bak, and two of his colleagues published a paper in 1987 which gave mathematical form and expression to this phenomenon, which like most successful explanatory works in science spread quickly and was applied to all kinds of “sandpiles” including neuronal networks in the human brain and the societies and civilization we have created. One academic, University of Melbourne professor of archeology, historical & philosophical studies Dr. Louise Hitchcock applied SOC to the collapse of societies and civilization. On 12-29-2020 an article came out titled Unprecedented’ new crisis coming: Covid-19 pandemic could be a warning for civilization – NZ Herald which looks at what lies ahead for us all in 2021 and beyond and includes input from Prof. Hitchcock.

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Thought-provoking documentary on where the COVID-19 pandemic may be taking us

If being in lockdown or such has you looking for something to watch that is thought-provoking, check out this 1h10m documentary concerning where the COVID-19 pandemic could be taking us socially, politically, economically, etc.