Monthly Archives: August 2013

Did the Almighty send an emissary to the ancient Cahokian (American Indian) people?

for-choctaw-doc-blogDo you believe the Almighty ever spoke directly to an American Indian tribe? I do not mean face-to-face but through an emissary. I do and will now share with you the particulars behind my conviction that God/HaShem/The Great Spirit did reach out to the Cahokian peoples (American Indians, yes, but their exact ethnicity much less language is unknown):

Long before Columbus and other 15th century European explorers & adventurers landed in North America, there was the Cahokia, a Mississippian American Indian “mound building” people who thrived from about 750 CE to 1300 CE with their biggest city being about 6 miles from present day St. Louis. My own tribe, the Choctaw Nation, has its roots in the Mississippian culture which naturally makes Cahokia of great interest to me.

To read the rest CLICK THIS LINK

Nota bene, my fellow American Indians: Prophetic Word: Restoration Promised to the First Nations of America

Following Messiah and living the faith authentically is countercultural & radical. One way to do so is in community as a monk or nun (Married or single is OK)

Reversing arterial blockage: Experimental regimen that worked for man facing amputation of his lower legs

Dr Payne at the Zeiss MicroscopeLast year (2012) I was contacted by a gentleman who had severe blockage in his legs and had been told by his physician-surgeon that he would need to amputate his legs below the knee. Naturally this chap was horrified at the prospect of living his life out of a wheelchair and/or on crutches and was frantic to know if there is anything, however experimental, that might help him avoid the surgeon’s knife. Apparently he had done a Google search and come across some of my health-related hypotheses (I have since 1986, been paid by various docs & researchers to spin hypotheses and provide novel ideas they could then pursue – or not).

I could not, of course, prescribe anything whatsoever as I am not a physician and lack the qualifications to get into such matters. However, what I did do is hand off an experimental regimen I originally developed in the late 1980s and had updated recently, along with the stringent caveat that much of my own work and that which informed it involved animal models of arterial blockage and I was giving him this with the strict understanding he would share it with his primary care MD and do what he said or advised.

I heard nothing from this chap for about 8 months and then got a call. It seems he was able to get his MD to endorse my handwork which he had followed religiously.  Long story short, the circulation in his legs had improved to the point that amputation was no longer on the proverbial table. Needless to say he and his wife of some 50+ years were overjoyed by his progress.

So here is what I shared with this guy – again, with the caveat it is experimental and unproved and should not be undertaken without the express consent & supervision of a duly licensed & practicing MD or DO.    

Dr. Anthony G. Payne


PADMA: Scientifically validated Tibetan herbal blend


Back in the 1980s I served as a scientific advisor to the firm (Berkley Wellness Network) that first brought the Tibetan vasocative product PADMA28 into the USA (BHN was bought by businessman Curtis Jaquot in the early 1990s and became “Pacific BioLogic, Inc.) In the mid-1990s I fed PADMA28 laced chow to guinea pigs with induced arterial blockage. Animals fed high doses showed a reversal of blockage.    

Note: I have no financial or other commercial interest in PADMA or any firm that makes, sells, markets, distributes or otherwise promotes it.

My 2007 article on PADMA 28:

PubMed search results: