Monthly Archives: September 2013

A Post-Racial America? Think again!

SALON ARTICLE BY TIFFANIE DRAYTON - SCREENSHOTIf you harbor the notion that America is a land of racial equality prepare to be disabused of this. In “Goodbye to my American dream” ( a bright, well educated, personable young writer named Tiffanie Drayton lays out how utterly un-post racial  America is (We American Indians also have experience with this, but that’s another story). In her insightful article Miss Tiffanie states:

My relationship with the United States of America is the most tumultuous relationship I have ever had, and it ended with the heart-rending realization that a country I loved and believed in did not love me back.  

Click the picture to your left or this link to read Miss Tiffanies’ wake-up call:

You can follow Tiffanie on Twitter at (I heartily recommend you avail yourself of her comments, insights & sharing from the heart)

Jury nullification as a way to fight back against unjust, immoral-unethical or wrongly applied laws

Vintage Balance ScaleHow can you help fight back against unjust, immoral-unethical or wrongly applied laws? Let people know about “jury nullification” and, if you are called on to serve on a jury that involves an unjust or wrongly applied law, use it yourself.

This article lays it all out: