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C19 vaccines, yes. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitors may prove better.

Fully vaccinated older folks (especially those 80 years of age or older) who contract the C19 virus are not faring well according to various sources (Link to one recent article on this below). In addition the protection afforded by the mRNA and other vaccines appears to wane over time. I have since early 2010 contended that a better approach to consistently halting C19 in its tracks (in people) will likely be treatments involving the use of viral enzyme inhibitors (VEI) especially RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). I actually incorporated one natural VEI in the latest version of my experimental nasal spray (Hyperlink is to the original formula and not the most recent spin).

This approach enjoys a robust history in the world of research. Even nicotinamide ribose is being explored in terms of its potential to inhibit RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp):

COVID-19 Is in Mysterious Retreatβ€”Is the Worst of the Pandemic Behind Us?

Natural infection versus vaccination: Differences in COVID antibody responses emerge

237 Fully Vaccinated Oregon Residents Died Of COVID-19; 28,075 Breakthrough Cases Recorded

Covid-19 wipes out all the ICU patients in one US medical facility. For older high-risk folks especially, prevention is paramount. | For Seekers & Other Heretics (

Fully Vaccinated Texas Teacher With Booster Shot Dies Of COVID-19 10-5-2021