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Is cooking the main culprit behind the arterial blockage seen in the Horus mummies study?

Assorted fruitDuring March of this year (2013) a paper appeared in the journal The Lancet titled “Atherosclerosis across 4000 years of human history: the Horus study of four ancient populations”. You may have seen something about this among the many news articles and blurbs posted across the Web on the heels of this paper’s publication. If not, check out Science Daily’s excellent lay level piece on it at

 You can read the paper in its entirety at I perused it right after it came out and would like to share my thoughts on a possible culprit behind the arterial blockage that bedeviled the ancient peoples represented in the Horus study and which has cast a long shadow over modern populations as well (The fabled “Iceman“ Ötzi showed evidence of atherosclerosis too albeit he had a genetic predisposition and evidence of a chronic infection, namely borreliosis or Lyme disease).




Want to be multiorgasmic?

Why are some folks naturally multiorgasmic? Female biologic advantages aside, the key player appears to be prolactin. Various studies have shown that prolactin is released at orgasm and plays a role in post-orgasmic sexual “repose”. Conversely, various other studies have shown that people with low or almost nonexistent prolactin levels can have orgasm after orgasm after orgasm ad infinitum. Is there any way in which to safely lower prolactin levels and thus help facilitate becoming multi-orgasmic? Perhaps so (The drug bromocriptine can accomplish this, but has side effects that may argue against its use in many folks). The medicinal herb Chaste Tree Berry (Castes Agnes-Vitex) has been shown to reduce prolactin levels in human users.


 Kruger TH, Haake P, Haverkamp J, Kramer M, Exton MS, Saller B, Leygraf N, Hartmann U, Schedlowski M, ‘Effects of acute prolactin manipulation on sexual drive and function in males,’ J Endocrinol. 2003 Dec;179(3):357-65.

Haake P, Exton MS, Haverkamp J, Kramer M, Leygraf N, Hartmann U, Schedlowski M, Krueger TH, ‘Absence of orgasm-induced prolactin secretion in a healthy multi-orgasmic male subject’, Int J Impot Res. 2002 Apr;14(2):133-5.

Wuttke W, Jarry H, Christoffel V, Spengler B, Seidlova-Wuttke D,’ Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)–pharmacology and clinical indications’, Phytomedicine. 2003 May;10(4):348-57.