Blog Archives

You probably know your IQ and EQ scores (respectively). What about your AS?

Secure attachment personified: My daughter Kazumi and grandson Yoshito A rundown of the various attachment styles (Simply Psychology website)

What is your attachment style?  This interactive survey takes about 5 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is designed to measure your ‘attachment style’–the way you relate to others in the context of intimate relationships. When completed, the site will reveal your attachment style, and provide a brief summary of what is known about your attachment style on the basis of contemporary scientific research.

Problems relating well to God & your fellow man? Your attachment style may be a major contributor

Is an attachment style problem complicating or undermining your life?  by Dr. Anthony G. Payne (Includes a link to an on-line attachment style test you can take)

PAPER: Attachment to God and Parents: Testing the Correspondence vs. Compensation Hypotheses (Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 2005, Vol. 24, No. 1, 21-28)

ABSTRACT: The relationship between early caregiver experiences and attachment to God was explored in the current study. Using the Attachment to God Inventory (AGI) developed by Beck and McDonald, the relationship between parent-child attachment and attachment to God was explored among a college population. In addition, parental spirituality and religious emphases in the home were investigated. Comparisons of the AGI with parent-child attachment measures support a correspondence between working models of parents and God. Respondents that reported coming from homes that were emotionally cold or unspiritual exhibited higher levels of avoidance of intimacy in their relationship to God, a trend consistent with a Dismissing attachment style. Overprotective, rigid, or authoritarian homes were associated with higher levels of both avoidance of intimacy and anxiety over lovability in relationship to God, a trend characterized by the Fearful attachment style.

ALONG THE SAME LINES FROM CNN BLOG: Our Take: Your relationship style determines how you feel toward God

PAPERS: Attachment and Divorce: Family Consequences & much more

Levine, A, & Heller, R. “What Attachment Theory Can Teach about Love and Relationships – The surprising secrets to finding the right partner for a healthy relationship” Scientific American, December 29, 2010